It’s Black History Month and we are Celebrating Single Mothers!

We are in awe of the single mothers out there and the strength they demonstrate. Being a single parent brings with it many challenges. Couple these with being a Black/Dual Heritage mother and we know the additional barriers faced.

Some of these barriers are rooted in institutional racism and are often experienced when: women access health and maternity care or, feel prejudice from other services resulting in neglect in the maternity ward or less helpful assistance elsewhere.

The courage we see amongst the women we support in our organisation is truly humbling and inspiring. Despite very adverse circumstances, single mothers are resourceful, creative, and show grit and determination to achieve their goals.

For example, getting their driving license and buying a car. What wonderful accomplishments. Of course, we also know that mental and physical health can be affected following trauma or during a crisis and it is okay to show vulnerability and ask for help.

The activities and support we provide encourage single mothers to come together, relax, share in a safe space, and build on their confidence. To see the joy in these women and the camaraderie between them when they come together is a true privilege

Often being a single mother means a lack of childcare and little adult time or relaxation, so we actively promote the importance of self-care for single mothers and encourage them to get childcare arranged to join in our adult-time social activities.

Single mothers, we are proud of you. We praise you for your strength, courage, and awesome job raising your children. Be proud of yourselves and know you have a purpose in this wonderful life.