Confidence Tips for Single Mothers

We know from experience that single motherhood can be challenging and, it is easy to lose one’s confidence, especially after stressful and traumatic experiences.

Feelings of loneliness, isolation and hopelessness are common and indeed normal in such circumstances. We all deal with difficulties and hardship in different ways yet, it is important to keep a check on our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being for these need nurturing just like a plant needs to be watered regularly.

Do you sometimes feel that in the hectic day-to-day of looking after your children, doing house chores, cooking, and taking your children to activities that there is no time for you? Perhaps you struggle with anxiety and don’t like to go outside too much? Or, maybe, you’re wondering Who am I? Where is the old me? I want her back. Well, you can have HER back – and develop into a wiser, more confident, and assertive Queen! The power is within you.

Open your mind to learn about self-awareness and reflection. Remind yourself every day that you have a purpose and can achieve anything you put your mind to.

Check out the following: 10 Top Tips to Boost your Confidence

1) Mindfulness: this is the practice of bringing inner calm and peace via different strategies. For example: breathing techniques; meditation; creativity; awareness of and attention to your surroundings. There are some free apps that you can download to your phone or device which help with ideas for mindfulness. Or why not buy an adult mindfulness colouring book?

2) Exercise: any form of exercise in moderation and suitable to your own body is beneficial. If all you can manage one day is a slow walk around the park, then go for it! Fresh air, green spaces, and pleasant sights (such as wildlife) are all good for boosting your mood. You may enjoy dancing or swimming. Get together with a friend, turn your music up at home and dance the stress away! Try your best to get into a regular habit of exercise to release happy hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Confidence Tips for Single Mothers

3) Find one hobby to do indoors: If you feel that you need to rest and relax one day and don’t feel up to going out, find a hobby you can enjoy at home. Arts and crafts can be very rewarding. You could learn a new skill of drawing through YouTube tutorials for example. Or sewing and knitting. Perhaps creating photos and videos. Or maybe a DIY project to work on – something that brings you a sense of accomplishment and progress is a great way to improve your confidence.

4) Socialise: spending adult-only time with friends, sharing a meal, enjoying an activity together, having good conversations and lots of laughs are all ways to feel better about yourself. You deserve that time away from your children. Make a point to arrange childcare, organise something social or come along to Wonderfully Made Woman’s monthly meal outing – dress up and feel good!

5) Set goals for yourself: short term at first then more long term. We are so proud of the ladies that set goals to sit their driving theory and/or practical tests and passed! Well done. If you Google SMART Goal Planning – you can find some helpful ways to list and carry out your goals.

6) Challenge yourself: do something once a week to get out of your comfort zone. For instance, run up and down the stairs 5 times. Or record yourself on video for 2 minutes talking about something that makes you laugh. Try to smile all the way through!

7) Volunteering: this is a wonderful way to boost your confidence; learn new skills and get yourself out of the house. We all need to feel useful. Offering your time and kindness and knowing that you’re making a difference are fantastic motivators!

8) Join a group: There may be a family group you can join and meet with regularly or if your children are in daytime childcare, find an interest group you can attend.

9) Don’t stay at home all the time: when you’ve dropped the children at school or playgroup, go somewhere straight after the school drop. For example, the library or a coffee shop. A change of scenery will put you in a different mindset.

10) Enrol on a course: there are many online courses as well as venues where you can go in person to study. Manchester Adult Education Service has a range of courses. A brilliant way to make new friends too!

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