Embracing Unity: Councillor Rabiya Jiva's Inspiring Visit to Wonderfully Made Woman's Bolton Hub

Greetings to the Wonderfully Made Woman Family!

Yesterday, the Bolton Hub of Wonderfully Made Woman witnessed a momentous occasion. We had the honour of welcoming Councillor Rabiya Jiva, the esteemed ExecuBve Cabinet Member for Stronger CommuniBes and Councillor for the Crompton Area in Bolton, Greater Manchester. This visit signifies a pivotal moment in our journey towards fostering deeper community connecBons.

Engaging Conversations: Unveiling New Partnership Horizons

Our meeBng with Councillor Jiva was a melBng pot of ideas, focusing on the present needs of our community and how Wonderfully Made Woman can play a pivotal role in Bolton. The Councillor's dedicaBon to nurturing community spirit shone through as we delved into potenBal collaboraBons and tailored strategies to support our African families in Bolton.

Forging a Unified Path: A Synergy of Efforts for Community Enrichment

The dialogue with Councillor Jiva brought forward creaBve soluBons for increasing the presence and impact of our charity. Her insights into the unique challenges of our community members and how we can collecBvely work towards a more inclusive and welcoming environment were parBcularly enlightening.

  • Forward Together: A Vision of Collaborative Growth

  • Councillor Jiva's visit has leN us energised and hopeful about future collaboraBons with local authoriBes. We are confident that by joining forces, we can elevate our endeavours to celebrate and listen to the diverse voices within Bolton.

A Hearfelt Thank You

Our deepest appreciaBon goes to Councillor Rabiya Jiva for her Bme and genuine engagement with our cause during her visit to our Hub. Her presence was not just an honour but also a catalyst for future posiBve changes in our community. As we march forward, commiOed to building a stronger, more supporBve community, let's remain united in our mission to empower and upliN lives.