Empowering Girls Through Education: The Girls Child Project

In October, we celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child. The occasion recognises the importance of adolescent girls and strives to identify their power and potential by providing them with chances. It also strives to empower and amplify the voices of adolescent females all across the world. It aims to raise awareness of and eliminate concerns affecting adolescent girl children. Wonderfully Made Woman recognise that girls suffer gender-based issues across the world, including child marriage, discrimination, violence, and limited educational prospects, and are poised to change these issues, one girl at a time.

We had the women come together to discuss their experiences over the holidays and to speak about their individual needs. At the breakfast club, we encourage women to speak out and share, knowing that other women will understand and relate to what they have to say. This is important especially for the shy women who have a hard time opening up, so this creates an opportunity to enhance their communication skills, build confidence and acquire networking experience.